Problem 1: Counting DNA Nucleotides


A DNA string is a sequence composed of the symbols 'A', 'C', 'G', and 'T'. Given a DNA string, your task is to count how many times each nucleotide appears in the string. You should write a code on your PC, run it with the provided input, and then paste your results here and click on submit.

Sample Input:


Sample Output:

A: 2, C: 2, G: 2, T: 2


The DNA string will contain at most 1,000,000 nucleotides.


In the sample input, the DNA string "AGCTTCGA" contains:

  • 2 occurrences of 'A'
  • 2 occurrences of 'C'
  • 2 occurrences of 'G'
  • 2 occurrences of 'T'

Your task is to count the occurrences of each nucleotide and print them in the format shown in the sample output.

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