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1) Introduction and History of Microbiology & its applied areas:
a. The microscope
b. Spontaneous generation versus biogenesis
c. Fermentation
2) Germ theory of diseases and protection:
a. The germ theory of disease
b. Laboratory techniques and pure cultures,
c. Protection against infection: Immunity, Widening horizons
d. Microbiology and modern biology: Molecular biology, Microbiology and society
e. Microorganisms and their role in fermentation
3) Introduction to eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell:
a. Introduction
b. Organelle details and their functions in eukaryotic and prokaryotic
4) Major groups of eukaryotes :
a. Fungi-
i) The importance of fungi
ii) Distinguishing characteristics of fungi
iii) Morphology
iv) Reproduction
v) Physiology
vi) Cultivation
vii) Classification
viii) Some fungi of special interest
ix) Moulds and Association with other organisms
b. Algae-
i) Occurrence
ii) The biological and economic importance
iii) Characteristics
iv) Classification
v) Lichens
c. Protozoa-
i) Occurrence
ii) Ecology
iii) Importance
iv) Morphology
v) Reproduction
vi) Classification
vii) Characteristics of some major groups of protozoa.
5) Major groups of prokaryotes:
a. Actinomycetes-
i) Morphology
ii) Occurrence
b. Cyanobacteria
i) Occurrence
ii) Characteristics
iii) Importance
c. Archaebacteria
i) Morphology
ii) Characteristics
iii) Categories (methanogens, halophiles and thermoacidophiles)
c. Rickettsia
i) Morphology
ii) Characteristics
iii) Diseases caused by rickettsia
c. Chlamydia
i) Characteristics
ii) Diseases caused by chlamydia
6) Preservation of microorganisms:
b. Agar Slant Culture Covered with Mineral Oil
c. Storage in Saline Suspension
d. Preservation by Drying in Vacuum
e. Cryo-preservation
f. Lyophilization or Freeze-drying
7) Microbial repositories at national and international level:
a. National-
i) NCCS Pune
ii) MTCC Chandigarh
iii) NBAIM New Delhi
iv) NCIM NCL Pune
b. International
i) NCTC England
ii) ATCC America
iii) BCCM/LMG Russia
1) Bacterial growth:
a. Normal growth cycle (growth curve) of bacteria
b. Transitional periods between growth phases
c. Synchronous growth
d. Continuous culture
2) Metabolism in bacteria:
a. ATP generation
b. Chemoautotrophy
c. Photo-autotrophy
d. Respiration
e. Fermentation
3) Viruses:
a. Bacteriophages - structure and properties
b. Lytic and lysogenic cycles
c. Viroid's
d. Prions
1) Microbial groups in soil:
a. Bacteria, Fungi, Algae, Protozoa, Viruses, The Rhizosphere
2) Microbes in biotic and abiotic stressed environments:
a. Microbial transformation of carbon
i) Carbon dioxide fixation
ii) Organic carbon compound degradation
iii) Microorganisms involved in carbon cycle
b. Microbial transformation of nitrogen
i) Proteolysis
ii) Ammonification
iii) Nitrification
iv) Reduction of nitrate to ammonia
v) Denitrification
c. Microbial transformation of Sulphur
i) Sulphur cycle showing the role of microorganisms
3) Biological nitrogen fixation:
a. Microorganisms involved in symbiotic nitrogen fixation
b. Mechanisms
c. Significance
4) Beneficial microorganisms in agriculture:
a. Biofertilizers
i) Definition,
ii) Microorganisms –
Bacteria (Rhizobium spp., Azospirillum, Azotobacter)
Fungi (Mycorrhizae Glomus),
Blue green algae or Cyanobacteria(Anabaena, Nostac) and Azolla.
iii) Advantages and limitations of biofertilizers
b. Microbial pesticides
i) Definition,
ii) Biocontrol agents used against insect (viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, mits)
iii) Weed (Phytophthora, Palmivora, Colletotrichumgleospirodes)
iv) disease (fungi, bacteria)
v) Advantages and limitations of biopesticides
5) Microbes in composting and biodegradation:
a. Microbiology of water
- Water purification
- Determining sanitary quality
- Waste water, Microorganisms and waste water treatment procedures.
b. Microbiology of water
- Microbial flora of fresh foods
- Microbial spoilage of foods
- Microbiological examination of foods
- Preservation of foods
- Fermented foods
- Microorganisms as a food- single cell proteins